SEN at St Oswald's CE Primary School
At different times in their life, a child or young person may have a special educational need. The code of practice 2014 defines SEND as follows:
“A child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special education provision to be made for him or her."
At St Oswald's we value all members of our school community. Our SEND report has been produced with pupils, parents and carers, governors, and members of staff. We welcome your comments, so please do contact us. The best people to contact are:
Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCO) - Mrs R Craven (national SENDCo award completed in July 2023)
Deputy Head teacher - Mrs R Craven
SEND Governor – Mrs R Tootell (can be contacted via the school office)
The Local Offer website provides information for children and young people with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) and their parents or carers, in a single place. It includes information from a range of local agencies, including education, health and social care. Knowing what is out there gives you more choice and therefore more control over what support is right for your child.
Click here to see the local offer from Cheshire West and Chester.
Our SEN Information Reports give details of the SEN provision at our school.
Click HERE to find out more about dyslexia support at our school.